Effects of CBD – What Does It Feel Like?

There is a lot of skepticism surrounding CBD and it’s effectiveness. Many people still misunderstand what to expect when they first try CBD. Maybe they believe it is a cure-all or expect to experience euphoria after one or two doses. As with most things, this is not accurate and the tendency of many brands to tout these results is only hurting the CBD industry. CBD is a wonderful treatment for many with few drawbacks but it is not a silver bullet for every ailment.  

First of all, CBD is non-psychoactive and does not impart a “high” or feeling of euphoria. If you have these feelings after ingesting CBD it is likely a result of the small amounts of residual THC that is often present in Full-Spectrum oils. While still under the legal limit of 0.3% THC, some products can contain up to 2mg of THC per serving and still be legal. It doesn’t take much THC to get a “high” especially if you are not accustom to it. Two doses of 2mg of THC would give most unexperienced users a pretty good “high.” So while CBD is non-psychoactive, it is possible to get high from many CBD products available legally over the counter or on the internet.

After years of self-experimentation, I like to explain the effect from CBD is like a lack of a particular feeling. You may feel less stressed, less anxious, less worried, etc. In contrast, THC tends to make you feel more of something.

Another condition CBD is often used for is sleeplessness. Again I tend to relate this back to a lack of particular feelings or emotions. When I’m having trouble sleeping it is generally because I’m stressed, or worried, or anxious and my mind is racing as I think about something that happed that day or something I’m worried about happening the next day. With CBD, my mind can take a brake from these feelings which allows me to rest more easily and stay asleep longer. I often use it when I wake up and can’t sleep at 2am and will fall back to sleep within minutes. Just one dropper full under the tongue for 30 seconds and I’m back to dream land.

Another consideration is that it can take some time to notice the effects. You may need to take CBD for daily for a month or more before you really start to notice it is helping. One day you’ll forget to take your CBD and you will suddenly wonder why you are so much more anxious and can’t sleep. Well, the CBD was helping all along but you didn’t notice the slow transition of weeks.

A final note is that you can build up a tolerance so it is good to take a break every few weeks. If you feel like your routine dose isn’t helping as much as it used to, take a week off from using it. Maybe try other natural sleep aids like melatonin, hop oil, chamomile or other herbs before returning to CBD.

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