Your Mission: Find Quality CBD at Affordable Prices

This is one of the most challenging parts of the CBD industry currently. There are a lot of bad actors selling underwhelming products at exorbitant prices to make a quick buck. The result is bad for both the customer who is getting ripped off, as well as the CBD industry that is getting a bad rap and losing out on growth. In this article we aim to help newbies find the best CBD product for their treatment at a fair price.

New CBD users will often begin their search at a supermarket where choices are plentiful. These big-box stores often have several drawbacks. First, the staff likely will have little to no knowledge of the products and may not help with decisions. Second, you are often limited to big name brands who put more emphasis on marketing and growth than on quality and customer satisfaction. Lastly, this is where you will likely find the highest price and lowest potency products. These brands put a lot of effort into making their product packaging stand out with snazzy logos and clever marketing. This can lead to over analyzing and confusion for customers who don’t understand what is on the label.

Another option is online stores. The choices here are nearly endless. And of course, there is often even less help and more misleading marketing. I’m biased here but I do believe you can find great deals and quality CBD online if you know where to look. You found this site didn’t you! Looking for farm-direct online stores, such as ours, is a great way to find great deals. Also, you are more likely to contact the owner directly as they typically run the websites and emails themselves (like I do). We have smaller overhead and typically don’t rely on one income stream so prices can also be better. By cutting out the middlemen, you the customer, and I the farmer/producer can share in the savings. Like us, many offer regular discounts and freebies by joining a mailing list. This lets us keep in contact with our loyal customers and give them something in exchange for that loyalty.

One of my personal favorites is farmer’s markets. Most urban areas have one or more of these gatherings throughout the week all summer and sometimes year-round. Here is Roseburg, OR we have the Umpqua Valley Farmer’s Market, as well as several smaller markets in surrounding communities and a few brick-and-mortar farmer co-ops where different makers and growers bring their wares to sell on consignment. Farmer’s Markets are a great place to meet one or more local hemp farmer/producers face-to-face and get great deals on quality locally made CBD products. We did farmer’s markets for a couple of years, and it was a great way to meet our customers and learn about their experiences with CBD. We also offered great deals such as free samples, and discounts for buying two or more items.

Recently we have begun expanding our wholesale accounts with other small businesses including coffee shops, liquor stores, vape stores, gifts shops, vitamin stores and others. Many of these businesses are locally owned and operated by families who love serving their communities. We try to ensure that they understand our products and have all the information necessary to help customers. Of course, since they are local and we are local, if there is anything they can’t answer it’s very easy to contact us and get the information needed. We stay in close contact with our retailers visiting them regularly to find out how we can serve our customers better.  I am sure there are examples of this in most regions around the country.

Of course, there are other places to find CBD products. Some are good and some not so good. I would recommend staying away from gas stations and seedy chain markets like Seven Eleven and the like. They often carry low quality products (not just CBD) for cheap prices. Being cheap doesn’t make it a good deal. If you save 50% but aren’t happy with the product, then you’ve just wasted 100% of what you spent.

Above all my recommendations is to look for local small businesses who are willing to engage with you by answering your questions with total transparency. This may be online, a farmers’ market, or a local shop. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If the store can’t answer your questions, reach out to the business. If they aren’t helpful, find another option. It may take a few tries but once you find a reputable company with fair prices it will be well worth the effort. Then help them out by telling your family and friends, sharing their content on social media, and leaving reviews on their website.

We appreciate you taking the time to read out blog. If you have any questions or comments, please drop us a note through the CONTACT page.

If you are looking for our products locally in Roseburg and surrounding areas, visit the LOCAL RETAILERS page of this site for a current list.

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